Episode 84

Fitness vs. Weight loss resolutions/Bob Babbitt

In this episode:

The New Year is a time for resolutions and one that is frequently made involves losing weight in order to be healthier. But as obesity rates continue to rise unabated researchers have started to question the wisdom of making weight loss the goal and instead are starting to promote being active and fit instead. I take a look at the science in this area and report on how being active is a healthier and more sustainable way to reach your goals. In addition, I have an entertaining conversation with triathlon legend Bob Babbitt. Bob has been around triathlon as long as the sport has been around and he has the stories to prove it. Listen in as he talks about Hawaii before it was what it is today, the growth of the sport and the Challenged Athlete Foundation among just some of the things he has anecdotes to share.


[5:30]- Activity vs. weight loss

[18:46]- Bob Babbitt


CAF: link

Breakfast with Bob podcast

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The TriDoc Podcast, triathlon and health in one place
The TriDoc Podcast, triathlon and health in one place
Train hard, train healthy, spend wisely

About your host

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Jeffrey Sankoff

Jeff Sankoff is an emergency physician, multiple Ironman finisher and the TriDoc. Jeff owns TriDoc Coaching and is a coach with LifeSport Coaching. Living in Denver with his wife and three children, Jeff continues to race triathlons while producing the TriDoc podcast.